Tusheti – is part of the Akhmetis area. It is a historical mountain hollow in the territory of Georgia which borders on Khevsureti, Dagestan and Chechnya. The distance from sea level makes 1900-200 m. An administrative center is – Omalo. Tusheti – quite remote area, but is the best mountain tracking in Georgia.

The environmentally friendly area take pleasure you beautiful meadows and the dense woods. Beautiful mountains of Tusheti are considered as the wildest, and the population nicknamed itself – “the Georgian Indians”. There is no highway to many villages and inhabitants move on horses. Here bake bread, force down cheese and oil in barrels.

Tours in Tusheti

Tours in Tusheti

The best time of visit of mountains – July, August and September. In May-June it is a little cold and water level in the mountain rivers is rather high. Till May passes are covered with snow. In the winter of the mountain sharply become empty, many inhabitants move on plains.

Tusheti is famous not only the beautiful mountains and the extraordinary nature, but also the national park which is the house for a set of rare and endangered species of animals, live a different species of a bird here. Rare plants, the unique pine woods and trees grow in park, such as a birch and a mountain oak.

Tusheti’s climate is mountain with long cold winter and cool summer. Rains can go some days in a row.

Tours in Tusheti

Tours in Tusheti


Tours in Tusheti - Georgia

Tours in Tusheti


Tours in Tusheti - Georgia

Tours in Tusheti


Tours in Tusheti - Georgia

Tours in Tusheti


Tours in Tusheti - Georgia

Tours in Tusheti


Tours in Tusheti - Georgia

Tours in Tusheti – Georgia


Tours in Tusheti - Georgia

Tours in Tusheti – Georgia


Tours in Tusheti - Georgia

Tours in Tusheti – Georgia


Tours in Tusheti - Georgia

Tours in Tusheti – Georgia