The Shaori reservoir is the biggest reservoir of Racha. It is located at the height of 1132 meters above sea level and is replenished with both river, and underground waters. Round the Shaori hollow, there are in a huge number of a funnel also wells. Favorable conditions for dwelling of fishes, создёт rocky bottom of a […]

The resort of Utsera – is located in Racha, in the valley of the river of Rioni, at the height up to 1 120 m above sea level. This valley, is in an environment of beautiful mountains with the pine woods. Air pleasant and very useful, accompanies it aroma of pines. The resort is appreciated […]

The resort Shovi is younger than other resorts. It is located on the plain in Zemo Racha, at distance in 25 km from the city They. The resort is surrounded with an amazing coniferous forest, beautiful Alpine meadows, high mountains and glaciers covered with snow. Shovi this beautiful vacation spot, is clean air of the […]

The resort of Khidikari is Ambrolauri’s region, on the left side of the river of Rioni. By Hidikari it is located on 680 m above sea level. Climate – subtropical, characteristic for низкиз mountains. Flora – deciduous. Here air of low mountains and mineral sources is appreciated It is possible to visit church of the […]