The city of Sukhumi, is located on the coast of the Black Sea and is the capital of Abkhazia. This ancient city was founded 2500 years ago. The city is in 110 km from border with Russia on the bank of the Sukhumi gulf. From northeast side of Sukhumi surround ridges which prevent a popadeniye of cold air masses to the city. Climate here soft, it is possible to have a rest since the beginning of May until the end of October.
Sukhumi very beautiful corner which is rich with subtropical greens. Here 10 kilometer mad sandy beach which is washed by the clean, transparent, turquoise sea stretches.
Being in Sukhumi you can walk on sights of the city, such as the Botanical garden, the arboretum, to look at nursery of monkeys, to visit the State museum and art gallery. There are fine places for walks on foot – the Sukhumi mountain from which observation deck it is possible to admire the embankment with a large number of exotic plants and very beautiful buildings of the city.
In Sukhumi some sanatorium and boarding houses where it is possible to treat health are open.
Sights of Sukhumi:
Sukhumi fortress,
Bagrat’s lock,
Botanical garden,
Makhadzhirov Embankment,
Abkhazian state museum,
Annunciation Cathedral.